What I Hear When I Hear “The Occupy Movement Didn’t Really Do Anything” (2016)

On “Not Taking the Bait” (2017) – response piece following July 2017 community counter-protest against the KKK in Charlottesville, VA.

7/17/2017 Statement to Charlottesville City Council (2017)related to police and public officials’ response following July 2017 community counter-protest against the KKK in Charlottesville, VA.

White Supremacy, White Nationalism: Some Crucial Distinctions (2019)


NOTE: This series of essays are focused primarily on the use of “civility” as a social/cultural norm in the context of nonviolent revolutionary struggles in the U.S. I’m not interested in discussing the “merits” of revolutionary nonviolence vs. other forms of struggle for liberation and survival that might not easily wear that label in this series, but specifically in how “civility” is used by those with more social power to characterize some forms of nonviolent struggle and resistance to oppression by folks with less social power in U.S. society as “divisive,” “counterproductive,” and even most ironically, “racist.” Such characterizations, I’ll argue, serve to only further silence and marginalize oppressed folks in radical communities and maintain systems of privilege and power, while claiming to create a more “neutral” and equal space for all.

These essays are collected in a zine, available via the Zine Shop page.

The Tyranny of Civility: Part One

The Tyranny of Civility: Part Two

The Tyranny of Civility: Part Three

The Tyranny of Civility: Part Four

Social Power and the Oppressive Potential of Civility (2018)Talk from “Civility, Civil Rights and Civil Resistance: The CVille Syllabus” panel presentation at Institute for the Humanities and Global Culture, University of Virginia with Sophie Abramovitz, Maya Hislop, and Eva Latterner from Graduate Student Coalition for Liberation


Follow-Up to “Space for Us All” (2015)

“Space for Us All” (2015) on #BoycottStarWars, GamerGate, and anti-diversity backlash in sci-fi


A series of short reviews of some of my favorite David Bowie lesser-known songs, in no particular order. These were written in the weeks following his death in January 2016.

Subterraneans: Part One

Subterraneans: Part Two

Subterraneans: Part Three

Subterraneans: Part Four

Subterraneans: Part Five