Hi, I’m Marc. I’m a Jersey boy who feels most at home in the Pacific Northwest. I’ve been to Space Camp, played in lots of bands you’ve likely never heard of, put out zines and records, and have been involved in various types of activism over the years. I read too much and write too little. Hoping this blog will change that.

All views on this blog are my own (unless indicated otherwise), and shouldn’t be ascribed to anyone else.

COMMENTS POLICY (Or the Lack of Comments Policy)

My current policy is to not have the option to comment on posts be available on this blog. I thought long and hard about this before launching this site, and basically decided that the potential costs (to my own time and energy, and the potential for this to become yet another forum for offensive online harassment of myself or others, etc.) outweighed the benefits, especially after reading a piece on the now-defunct online blog/magazine The Establishment’s website reflecting on why they did not allow for comments on their site. Folks have plenty of ways to reference, comment and respond to posts that might appear on here without all this, including starting their own blog. I may change this policy at some point in the future, but that’s the deal for now.

Ijeoma Oluo. “Why We Don’t Have Comments. Here’s Why.” (Nov 19, 2015). Via Medium


Contact me via blackwholeblog(at)gmail(dot)com.